Social Datawarehouse and Google Analytics + Salesforce

So far InfoCaptor has been just a Business Intelligence application with excellent Data visualization and dashboard capabilities. With the new release of InfoCaptor, we are introducing a data-warehouse that is packaged with the software. What is meant by packaged Datawarehouse? We have built a framework for collecting data into a mysql database. This means you … Read more

How to standardize the look and feel of dashboards using CSS templates

Within InfoCaptor Dashboard software, every component is allowed to look different by providing different color schemes for background, border, text and the actual graphics. This gives lot of freedom for a creative designer. For average business users , we don’t need this much creative freedom, a standardized dashboard theme that looks aesthetically beautiful is more … Read more

Create engaging visualization with brand new Sankey generator

Introducing brand new Sankey Visualizaton With the latest release of InfoCaptor, you can build Sankey Diagrams by just drag and drop operations. Sankey Visuals are one of the most powerful visualizations. It illustrates flows of any kind, where the width of each flow is based on its quantity. It gives complete bird’s eye view of … Read more

InfoCaptor does Big Data with Cloudera Impala and Hive

InfoCaptor now officially works and certified with Cloudera’s Hadoop distribution and specifically with Hive and Impala. Earlier InfoCaptor supported only JDBC protocol but now along with CDH integration, it has introduced ODBC protocol to take advantage of efficient drivers from Cloudera (Cloudera – Simba drivers) and provide more platform connectivity options. The integration has been … Read more

InfoCaptor 2.1 : Stunning Visual Analyzer and Data Discovery done right in your browser

People are drowning in Data and Organizations are drowning in a plethora of Analytic applications. Organizations are increasingly abandoning thin client mantra and are forced to adopt a mix of desktop based and web based analytic applications. If you notice around, all major BI vendors are increasingly pushing Desktop based Data visualizations. Providing Data Visualizations, … Read more

InfoCaptor New Release – Beautiful Dials – Bar chart with icons and symbols and number formatting

The latest version of InfoCaptor Enterprise now has some very cool features. You can download it here We made a small tweak to the local install. Now when you install the dashboards can be accessed from any of your home or office computers that share the same network. The drawback is now you will … Read more

InfoCaptor Enterprise – Self Hostable Dashboard option

Earlier in May 2012 we released our cloud based Dashboard Solution at As anticipated, lot of users requested if they could host the same software within their own network. We are extremely excited to announce the availability of self hosted solution. The same application ( is now available for you to use it in-house … Read more