WooCommerce Sankey flow Revenue Visualization Report

Sankey Data Flow for analysing WooCommerce Data

This Sankey Diagram analysis report was built using InfoCaptor Dashboard builder and adapted as a dashboard plugin for WooCommerce

Benefits of Dashboards and Data visualization for Energy and Utility

  Time-and-again, analytics has been useful in people’s lives, whether it’s in higher education, marketing, the health sector, or in energy and utility services. The last one, however, is still in a major upheaval because of the introduction of the latest technologies to measure utility and provide more accurate energy readings. But if used properly, … Read more

Presidents of USA and their Birth Signs – Sankey Visualization

Wikipedia has a great dataset with regards to all the presidents of USA, their birth dates, birth States and birth signs (sun sign) In this analysis, we will visualize the relation between the Age at Presidency, State of Birth and birth sign. Sankey diagrams are extremely powerful at expressing flow and relationships. In the following … Read more

Create engaging visualization with brand new Sankey generator

Introducing brand new Sankey Visualizaton With the latest release of InfoCaptor, you can build Sankey Diagrams by just drag and drop operations. Sankey Visuals are one of the most powerful visualizations. It illustrates flows of any kind, where the width of each flow is based on its quantity. It gives complete bird’s eye view of … Read more