InfoCaptor Stack bar label fix

A quick patch was released to fix the problem in display of data labels for stack bar chart. Please grab the new versions

Dashboard and Business Intelligence competitors evaluated based on their front page content

The front page of any company or organization is a very significant piece of that entity’s web presence. The question whether the front page does its job depends on 1. What message it is trying to deliver to the audience. 2. How quickly it delivers the message to the audience. 3. How forceful the message … Read more

InfoCaptor New Release – Beautiful Dials – Bar chart with icons and symbols and number formatting

The latest version of InfoCaptor Enterprise now has some very cool features. You can download it here We made a small tweak to the local install. Now when you install the dashboards can be accessed from any of your home or office computers that share the same network. The drawback is now you will … Read more

Action Framework for Dashboards

Dashboard Reporting comes in variety of format. There are dashboards that are for information display purpose like “Airport Terminal displays” and there are dashboards that take a step further and let you interact with the dashboard elements. InfoCaptor now allows you to interact with your dashboards in a very consistent manner. Usually in a dashboard … Read more

Real Time Dashboard with Bells and Whistle

InfoCaptor Enterprise is now available for everybody to build and use dashboards in the cloud. There is no installation or setup required. Just create a login and start using. Bottomless visualization options Connection adapters to SQL databases (direct connection, no API needed) Connection adapters to various web applications (twitter, facebook, google spreadsheets, rss, POST, … Read more