[], No of Characters: , Number of words:3342
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NOTE: Certain websites behind https or some blocked content may not be visualized
Bubble my Page - This service is provided by InfoCaptor
"InfoCaptor Dashboards can Extract information from your database and
visualize it any way you want.
Enterprise Dashboard Software @ small business pricing."
Following text was used for the visualization - Raw data (snippet)
- Only the first 100,000 bytes are read from any page, if your page is longer than 100k bytes then the rest of the content is ignored
- All words less than 2 letters are ignored
- Stop words are ignored
- Content behind https:// is not accessible. Some sites and web pages are blocked at server
- Gross density is based on the total words including the 2 letter words. (word count/total number of words on the page)
- Good Density is based on the number of words displayed in the bubble visualization. (word count/total number of words selected for visualization)
URL not provided or maybe content is behind https..............................................