How to upload flat files like CSV and Excel data into SQL tables

InfoCaptor Enterprise now comes packaged with in-built mini datawarehouse that you can use it to upload flat files and convert them into SQL tables. Once your flat files are in SQL then you can perform join operations between multiple flat files and perform advanced analytical queries using SQL. NOTE: InfoCaptor provides the ability to directly … Read more

Build a dashboard using XML as data source

In this article we will use a XML data source and build it to display the various data sets in grid format. This tutorial is an extension to the one you see in the documentation All it uses is just XPATH syntax to extract various information. Consider this XML document This XML contains … Read more

How to upgrade infocaptor enterprise

Here are the steps you should take to upgrade your existing InfoCaptor Enterprise install. This is true for both scenarios, if you wish to upgrade your standalone local install or the server based install. The procedure will ensure you don’t lose your data, database configuration and the license information These instructions are for linux Preparation: … Read more

Visual alerts – Exception highlighting in reports and dashboards

In this article we will expand on the “Bells and Whistles” section of our Dashboards. There are multiple ways to alert the user when your data crosses a certain threshold. The most used technique is to change the color of the data depending on whether the data is on the target, above the target or … Read more

Startup Scorecard Dashboard

For a startup or small business it is very important to track certain things apart from revenues and expenses. A startup could be selling a subscription service, a downloadable component, mobile app and so on. A startup also has raised some funds either through family/friends or incubator and VCs A startup is attacking on various … Read more

Vanity Dashboard Metrics – How to

Metrics are measurement values that you associate with certain actions and outputs. We can classify metrics into various categories and usually we should bother measuring and monitoring only those metrics that help our business grow or optimize our desired procedures. But there are certain metrics and more importantly with today’s social media that can be … Read more

Action Framework for Dashboards

Dashboard Reporting comes in variety of format. There are dashboards that are for information display purpose like “Airport Terminal displays” and there are dashboards that take a step further and let you interact with the dashboard elements. InfoCaptor now allows you to interact with your dashboards in a very consistent manner. Usually in a dashboard … Read more

HR Dashboard – Build Excel based Human Resource dashboard with filters – parameters and drill down

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate some of the new and powerful features of InfoCaptor Enterprise. The new features include Dashboard prompts that let you set global filters on one or multiple widgets. It also demonstrates and teaches how to build drill down in the dashboards and reports. Please view each video segment in the … Read more